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Protocol to Email

Ryght helps streamline tasks for heads of clinical operations, such as writing outreach to sites and answering protocol-related questions.

By uploading the protocol and asking Ryght to summarize it, users receive a concise summary of study objectives, patient population, and key endpoints.

Users can also ask follow-up questions or request specific edits, such as adding eligibility criteria as bullet points.

Ryght can even help draft emails to potential investigators, incorporating the summary and personalized information. Users can easily edit and copy the drafted message to their email client.

About Ryght

Ryght is a privately held healthcare technology company based in Anaheim, California that is developing the next generation of safe and secure generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) solutions for the biopharma industry. The Ryght platform leverages and optimizes multiple large language models (LLMs) and vector databases to ingest real-time data streams and make actionable knowledge directly available to biopharma discovery, clinical, and commercial teams. The platform enables healthcare professionals to rapidly leverage the power of GenAI within compliance of data security standards required by the industry.

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